Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Frame Exercise

I've been trying to come up with a couple warm-up exercises for models before we begin shooting. It's good to stretch before a shoot and warm-up, for both the model and the photographer. Not only does stretching help warm up your body but allows both parties to hold their positions longer.

I came up with an exercise after finding a random frame in my garage. I've always wanted to shoot with an empty frame, it can be used in so many different ways! I told the models to think about opposition and composition - in modeling terms, I consider opposition to be the relationship between your limbs and your body, the way they relate or contrast to one another and divide the space. (In actuality, opposition is used in astronomy and refers to when two celestial bodies are on opposite sides of the sky. Hopefully I'm not butchering the term too much.) Using body shapes, composition refers to how the model places themselves in(or out)side of the frame. The challenge of the exercise was to create a balance between what body parts are inside and outside of the frame. It allowed the models to quickly adjust to directions and let the photographer see what kind of interesting shapes they can come up with on their own. Though it may have been a little overwhelming at the beginning, I wanted to see if they could think on their feet. Hopefully I didn't scare them too much haha.

These two lovely models are Devin Catherine John and modelwire network user Corbin Rivera. Photos by yours truly.



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